Showing 13–24 of 24 results
Burning sensation, hyperacidity, vomiting & heart burn
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Loss of strength, Vigor, Shighra patan (Premature ejaculation)
All kinds of fever, sanipataj jvar, sharirik vedna (Bodyache), sharirik daha (Burning sensation)
Hirdya roga (heart disease), amalpitta (hyperacidity) and ghabrahat (anxiety).
Hridaya Rog (Heart disease), Anxiety, Amalpitta (Hyperacidity)
Amenorrhoea, Dysmenorrhoea, Female infertility
Various types of body ache, low blood pressure, general debility & Loss of appetite
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Piles, Gulma, Excessive thirst
Pradarrog (leucorrhoea), Amenorrhoea and General weakness.
Vajikaran (aphrodisiac), shukradhatu durbalta (semen disorders), swapandosh (nocturnal emission) and general debility.
Smriti dorbalya (loss of memory), apasmar (hysteria) and epilepsy.
Pakshaghat (Paralysis), Hemiplegia And Gridhrisi (Sciatica)
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