Showing 1–12 of 22 results
Loss of appetite (Mandagni), distention of abdomen (Aadhman), indigestion (Ajiran), pain in abdomen (Udarshool)
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Diseases of liver, spleen, ascites, anaemia, jaundice, skin disorders
Durbalya (general weakness), viryavikar (semen disorders), katishul (low backpain), mutrakrichha (slow and painful discharge of the urine) and polyuria.
Loss of appetite (agnimandta), Bowel disease(Grahni) & indigestion(ajiran)
Cough(Kas), Voice disorder(Swar Bhed), bronchitis, respiratory diseases.
Indigestion & loss of appetite
All types of fever, bodyache, effective in low platelet count burning sensation
Used in diabetes mellitus and prameha.
Sore throat, tonsillitis, cough, common cold, stomatitis, bad breath
Malabsorption syndrome, fever & atisar
Mandagni (loss of appetite), aadhman (distension of abdomen), ajiran (indigestion) and udarshul (pain in abdomen)
It is used for respiratory infection, cough, congestion, asthma, sore throat, bronchitis and cold
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