Chandraprabha Vati

Durbalya (general weakness), viryavikar (semen disorders), katishul (low backpain), mutrakrichha (slow and painful discharge of the urine) and polyuria.

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Durbalya (general weakness), viryavikar (semen disorders), katishul (low backpain), mutrakrichha (slow and painful discharge of the urine) and polyuria.


Karpoor, Vacha, Musta, Bhunimba, Amrita, Devdaru, Haridra, Ativisha, Daruharidra, Pipplimool, Chitrak, Dhanyaka, Haritaki, Bibhitaki, Amalaki, Chavaya, Vidang, Gajapippali, Shunthi, Marich, Pippali, Swarna makshika Bhasma, Yavakhsar, Sajji Kshar, Saindhava, Sourvanchal, Vid – each 1 Part, Trivrit, Danti, Tejpatra, Tvaka, Ela, Vanshlochan – each 4 Parts, Lauh Bhasm-8 Parts, Sita – 16 Parts, Shuddh Shilajit, Shuddh Guggulu – each 32 Parts.


2 or 4 tablets to be taken in the morning and evening with water & milk.


100, 1000 tablets


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