Manjistha Capsule



Manjistha consist of dried root of Rubia Cordifolia (Family- Rubiaceae) Manjistha found through the country. The plant has long cylindrical root with red color bark. Its flower is small, white or greenish whereas fruits are globes, dark purple or black. Stem have long woody& rough base. As per Ayurveda it offers blood and liver purifying properties anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and ant0- microbial in nature the herbs use in enhancing skin complexions soothes acne & even toned skin.

 Use of Manjistha capsule 

  • Excellent blood purifier
  • It is beneficial to skin disorders like Acne, Pimples, Discolorations, skin eruptions, psoriasis, and eczema.
  • Manjistha act as anti-allergic, anti- oxidants activity.

Key Ingredients

 Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia)

 Direction of use

  Take 1-2 Capsules twice a day


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