Rheumo Parvahi

Muscles pain and Back ache

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Rheumo parvahi is best joint pain supplement for treating Vaat related problems like joint pain and stiffness of muscles.  Rheumo parvahi is the combination of dashmool kwath pravahi, Rasna erandadi kwath Pravahi and Maharasnadi kwath Pravahi that helps in treating joint pain, Back pain; stiffness of the body also helps to treats inflammation and relaxes the muscles. The anti-rheumatic and anti-inflammatory and analgesic pain reliever syrup is formulated for the purpose of treating irritation in the joints and constant pain.

Rheumatoid arthritis
Parkinson’s disease
Muscles pain and Back ache

  • Possesses deepan, pachan and aamdoshar properties.
  • Because of antioxidant and rejuvenating properties it protects the joints.
  • Prevents pain and inflammation.
  • Corrects the immune system and is effective in Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Removes the deep seated aam from the body.

10-15 ml 30 minutes before meal 2-3 times a day


200 ml & 450 ml


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