Vitamrit SF

Normalizes impaired antioxidant status by exerting rapid protective effects against lipid
Peroxidation by scavenging of free radical.

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SDH Naturals Vitamrit-SF Syrup is a natural and 100% ayurvedic sugar-free Health tonic for the whole family. It contains Ashwagandha, Guduchi, Amla, Mulathi etc herbs. Vitamrit-SF Syrup detoxifies the body and protects vital organs of the body. Vitamrit-SF restores the overall well-being and builds up immunity

Bullet points:

· Improve the immune system of the body

· Detoxifies the body & protect the vital organs of the body

· Possesses anti-aging, disease prevention, and life strengthening activities

· Possesses anti- stress and adaptogenic activity

How to use: 1-2 tsf two times a day


· Guduchi : act as a immunomodulator

· Amla : Promotes immune function

· Brahmi : Possesses anti- stress and adaptogenic activity

· Yashtimadhu : act as antidepressant and stress buster

· Haritaki : it show highly active anti-oxidant potential


· Low immunity

· Chronic fatigue & general debility

· Stress and trauma

· Adjuvant in chronic disease

· As a general health supplement

Presentation: 200 ml


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